Hello, I'm
Binitie William

I am a dedicated and diligent software developer that enjoys bringing ideas to reality, whether working alone, as part of a team, or as a team leader.

Tell me More


Landing page

A landing page for the Car manager

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • TailwindCSS

MERN task-app

A task app that can save simple tasks and add remainders

  • React
  • Express
  • Mongodb
  • Node


A cool website where you can upload pictures

  • React
  • Firebase
  • JavaScript


A note-taker app, that saves your notes

  • React
  • Material-Ui
  • JavaScript


I've worked with a variety of web development technologies and have a strong understanding of web development architecture, as well as various key technologies such as Python, Flask, Node.js, React.js/redux, and others.

  • Front End

    Experience with

  • Back End

    Experience with
    NodeJS and Databases(MongoDb, Firebase & PostgreSQL).

  • Mobile

    Experience with
    React Native.

About Me

Let's break the ice a little.
Working alone, as part of a team, or as the leader of a team of developers, my passion is bringing ideas to reality. Coding and solving logical challenges are two of my favorite things to do. React and Node.js are my go-to technologies, and I've used them on a variety of projects. Those aren't the only two libraries/frameworks I'm familiar with, and I'm always delighted to talk about my clients' needs and come up with the best solutions. As evidenced by my statistics, I consider myself to be both creative and hardworking. If you enjoy what you've seen so far in my profile, send me a message and we'll talk about how I can help you with your project.